Hi, I’m Sue Crites
Pinterest Ads and Facebook Ads Strategist.

Pinterest and Facebook are very different platforms and users behave differently on each.

People are on Pinterest with a purpose. It’s a search and discovery platform where people are looking for solutions and ideas. Pinterest users are action takers but also planners.

Facebook is, as we know, a social platform and people are there for engagement and entertainment. While they’re not on there to find solutions, what you offer may be just what they need.

Because the platforms are so different, I encourage clients to not expect them to perform the same when advertising in both places. They work together under the marketing strategy umbrella you create. Each ad is yet another touchpoint of the many needed for people to become clients and customers.

I’ve worked with clients in a variety of niches so below is a sample of some of them.

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You’re ready to stand out online and get noticed. I’m here to help.

Let’s face it: your art is wonderful but it’s not enough. You need a compelling story that captivates your audience and gets them to buy.

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Here’s why you’ll love working with me:

Share your story and explain why behind your business.

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  • Duis scelerisque enim ac ipsum ornare accumsan.

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